It is a day for remembering those who gave all so that we can live this wonderful life in a free country. Please take a moment to do so, and be grateful for them.
On the homefront, I went for the allergy testing and it showed that I am allergic to dust, dust mites, mesquite, sagebrush, airborne molds, and just about everything else that grows here in the desert. The desensitizing will begin a week from Wednesday with shots every Wednesday. In the meantime I was just glad to be able to get back on my allergy meds. We've been cleaning and cleaning what we thought was a clean house. Have you any idea how many places dust can hide? Every wicker basket has to go, along with most of the knick-knacks. What is left has to be put into boxes that have lids and that can be wiped clean often. I should really have a yard sale but haven't decided if I want to go to the trouble or not. It is getting hot here and I don't think the time is right. But then if I do someone else would haul it away for me wouldn't they? (Here, you can have this whole box of stuff for 50 cents!) LOL Anyway, it's a slow process because I can only handle so much of it at one time.
I've spent the majority of the last few days with my new computer and it is awesome! The one thing that drove me crazy at first is that outlook express does not exist in windows 7. If that is what you are used to using for your email, be aware of this. I finally found Mozilla Thunderbird mail program and it imported all of my outlook files from my old computer and is easy to work with and is almost just like outlook. I'm sticking with it because I didn't like windows live mail at all. I think I finally have most of the programs I used before installed on this new baby and they are running so much faster now. The Bose speakers I splurged on are so awesome. I am listening to KFROG country music station live streaming on the internet thru the Bose speakers and it is just too cool.
In the meantime my quilting is lagging behind for lack of time and energy. I need lots more of both. It will all come together one day. Of this I am certain.
Ya'll have a happy day now.
Porch Progress & More!
11 hours ago
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