Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Allergies and Other Thoughts

Is it really May 12?  Where has this last week gone?  I can't say I've accomplished a lot, but I have done a few things.  I've ordered a new computer and Dell is putting it together for me.  I've been working at cleaning out a little at a time.  You know how sometimes things look worse before they look better?  Well that is the state we are at right now.

It was a worrisome weekend as Joe was feeling very poorly.  Fluids built up in his chest from his congestive heart failure.  He spent most of 3 days in bed and I didn't do much but worry and check on him.  In spite of it he managed to get me flowers and a card for Mothers Day.  And my son sent me a new quilt novel for the occasion.  He apparently put some thought into it because it is the latest in a series I have been reading.  I was thrilled and surprised when the packaged arrived last Friday. 

Allergies are bad for everyone right now as we are having a banner season of pollen.  They are really bothering me.  On Monday my friend Connie and I made a trip to Palm Desert which included a visit to my sinus doctor.  He says my sinuses are healed and looking great but there is still lots of pressure and irritation from allergies.  Thinks I need allergy testing which may lead to allergy shots once a week for a long, long time.  Right now I'll agree to anything for relief.

Today I am going to sew on my new Bernina sewing computer.  So what if I need to be cleaning out and things are still piled up.  My dreams are still of quilting so I HAVE to get to it.  Monday's trip included a trip to Joann's for a new cutting board and interfacing for a couple of items I have planned.  Also have to get my gift made for the friendship group birthday exchange next Wednesday.  I think it is going to be an apron and maybe a basket.  We'll see how the next few days go.

By the way, it is pretty cool here in the desert for May.  How are things in your part of the world?

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