Time for another update, though it might not be much because of my arm fatigue. I've found I can find a way to do many things with one good hand and arm. It's just that the constant doing all the time with that one what you'd normally be doing with two really fatigues, stiffens and makes sore that one that is constantly doing. Right now it is saying it has done enough. (I have resolved the 2 liter Dr.Pepper problem and can now open and pour into a glass of ice with one hand. Hooray - no wasted precious Dotor)
Christmas was nice. Dan and Martha invited us for dinner and it was a good meal, good company, and fun to be around the kids. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day both Joe and I were feeling really tired and lethargic. We keep having good days and bad days. We help each other through as best we can and if we can't do it, we just let it be.
Tomorrow will be just 3 weeks since Joe's surgery so he still has a long way to go, But, he is off oxygen and the new valve is working well. We saw the surgeon on Tuesday (thank you Dan for driving us) and he said things are going well.
On December 21, orthopedics put a bright pink cast on my entire left arm, almost to my armpit, with my elbow at a 110 degree angle. You talk about cumbersome and un-handy, this is it! Because of the angle it won't even stay in a sling. But the good news is the set is holding and it looks like no surgery will be required. Yay! It may be a little off when healed but nothing I can't live with. And in one more week the cast will be cut down to below my elbow and I'll have a "little" more flexibility. Doc says elbow will be problematic for a little while after being immobile, but I'm used to physical therapy and will work that out.
My quilting friends continue to be amazing in providing meals for us. I can hardly wait to be well and pay it forward. And I will write a thank you not to everyone of you but I am slow at everything right now with one hand.
My sewing machine calls to me day and night. She misses me and I miss her so much. Over on Bonnie Hunter's group they are working on a mystery quilt and talking about it a lot and I can hardly bear it. All I got done was a few pieces of fabric pulled before Joe's surgery. I was going to sew my brains out on it while he recovered. Oh well.
Here's to a wonderful new year, full of all we want it to be. Pick out a word or two to concentrate on everyday in all you do and it will certainly help you have a more meaningful life.
Kindness, Gratefulness, Order in 2012
Porch Progress & More!
11 hours ago
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