It's Sunday night and I have had a good weekend in spite of a terrible cold. So here are some of my thoughts about this happy life of ours. People are about as happy as they decide to be. If you are looking for a reason to be unhappy, miserable, or mad at someone or the world, you'll find it. If you are looking for a reason to smile and be happy just to be alive, you'll find that too.
I knew last Wednesday that this cold was coming on. I told Dr. Finazzo so and he prescribed Tamiflu and said it should knock it right out. It didn't. Thankfully, I am overall very healthy as of late, so I've managed to continue to function even though this is one nasty cold that is dragging on. Connie and I went to Los Angeles for the filming of the TV show on Thursday. She was getting the cold also. It was a long but very fun day. Friday I had a previously scheduled massage. That was wonderfully relaxing and I managed to nap afterwards. I thought maybe that would knock it out. Saturday morning and Sunday morning it was still here and going strong. Even so, I saw the sun shining when it did shine through the clouds. I worked on some charity projects for the Guild. I listened to an audio mystery book while hand sewing the binding on a quilt, then listened to another while sewing the binding on another quilt. I've cut 12 yards of flannel off a bolt that I have to donate for the youth quilts projects. I've made more adult bib patterns for others to make bibs for the seniors. I've been happy because I decided to be happy and be of service to others while I am feeling lousy myself.
Yesterday it was cloudy and windy and it rained for a while. I could have complained about it, but chose to look for the sunshine. That is what choosing to be happy is all about. Things happen in life. People upset one another. Politics is politics. We don't all agree. Why let it ruin our lives and our attitudes. Life is short. Each day is a gift to enjoy and people are a gift to enjoy and not to argue and be upset with.
Tomorrow is my Quilting Guild meeting day! Even though it is a busy and exhausting day I look forward to it. I look forward to seeing all those ladies I cherish so much. I get and give lots of hugs. Who knows how many of us will be at the next meeting? Many of them are elderly but they keep going and keep producing beautiful quilts and having the times of their lives, always smiling, always happy. They are my inspiration.
Porch Progress & More!
11 hours ago